Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Reflection: Tools for Learning

    This reflection will include my thoughts on various digital tools we’ve utilized throughout the semester in this course. The following are a compilation of the 6 tools that I’ve found most useful and that are highly likely that I’ll use them later on: Overall, this course has enabled me to utilize numerous tools and platforms…

  • Final Course Reflection

    This blog post is intended for me to select upon this course, how affected me, and how it could affect other people. This course, while initially seeming a bit unclear in the beginning with regards to what we’re going to learn or what kind of course work we were going to perform, ended up being…

  • My AI Pathway

    I decided to stick with the AI pathway mainly to avoid the complications of the other pathway, but to also get a chance to learn an AI skill that I may have possible missed. I chose to watch the Prompt engineering for generative AI course and I liked how the instructor was very enthusiastic about…

  • Digital Confidence

    To assess my digital literacy and knowledge confidence skills I took this digital confidence profile test and got the following results: I’m usually skeptical about online tests, as I am with this one. I believe that personally I’m very well educated when it comes to digital literacies and skills, but I might fall short when…

  • Soliya Reflection

    The Soliya experience has been an interesting experience for me. While I have been exposed to multicultural online environments before, this one has been quite different. Mainly because everyone gathers specifically to talk about multicultural perspectives and opinions rather than gathering to collaborate on something and this cultural exchange being a side product. It was…

  • Final School Visit Reflection

    First, I’d like to embrace how great the school visit experience has been. Maybe mainly because we had luckily gotten a great batch of diverse-minded students. This visit was definitely the most chaotic school visit we’ve ever had, from grouping at the bus at 8:30am to taking the final pictures before we managed to escape…

  • Digital Narrative Game Prototype

    Building on my initial ideas in the Ikigai post, I knew I wanted to make a game about consequences from a deep, dark perspective. So I’ve started discussing with several colleagues to brainstorm ideas but none of the ideas were on the right path. Then I’ve started to have meetings with chatGPT, to see how…

  • Infiltrating a Parent Teacher Meeting at Ramy Helal

    On October 31st we embarked on a journey to Ramy Helal yet again. This time, me and my colleagues have planned to do the following: We did manage to do all of these activities except the last one, which is a success in my book. Though the conversation about the plots was very disappointingly short,…

  • VIA Test Don’f Fail Me Now

    After going through countless questions and dodging paying any penny to receive my results, here are my top 5 strengths: As far as personality tests go, I believe this is the most accurate one I’ve tried. Not trying to be narcissistic but I do put in effort to try to be as fair as possible…

  • Pre-Soliya Reflection: “Before Soliya: A Journey of Self-Reflection and Anticipation”

    Starting off I had a quick discussion with Youssef Anwar regarding our experiences in this course which helped me reflect on some of the questions. Initial Notes: What have you learned intellectually about the topics we’ve covered so far? Importance of translation from translation reading. How and where to check news, donald trump activity. Danger…

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