I do believe this is cheating because not even most of my friends know the answers of all these questions. But to be respectful of their privileges, I’ll keep it at surface level 🙃

What am I good at:

Possibly anything technical. I’m good at learning anything quickly through various methods whether through being a “cowboy” (getting into a room and start shooting at everything, my favorite) or meticulous reading and planning.

I’m very good at being patient, though my tolerance has a very steep curve once my time runs out.

I’m also good at being invisible, you might be baffled by this or think I’m making fun of myself but no, I do practice being unnoticed, on purpose. It gives me extra freedom, plus I’m the person who hates the spotlight anyways, so win-win. If you see me and have a hard time remembering my name, it’s working.

What I love

Well this is a difficult question as It highly depends on context. But generally it’s pizza, cats, silence, and old video games in a rainy night. Relating to what I’m good at, it’ll probably be that I love making or fixing things, whether physical or digital. Progress gives me the highest sense of motivation though I try to not depend on any.

What does the world needs

I’d say the world needs more people like me, but that sounds very narcissistic so in detail the world needs:

  • Accountable people
  • People with goals beyond their self
  • People that are disciplined honest and more dedicated in what they do
  • Batman to maintain justice rather than the law
  • Less people with high-school mentality

What can you create a game about?

I believe a good game to make would be one to teach accountability, the consequences of your actions. One I’d make would likely be very dark, deep, and miserable given the player makes the wrong choices 😌. A game that would very well show the extent and the severity of being selfish, being careless, or just being an a**hole, all with be shown the consequences of their actions 😈






One response to “IKIGAI!”

  1. Maha Bali avatar

    I totally love the game idea! Would love to see this come to fruition.
    My daughter is a little bit like you in a strange way… she likes to make herself invisible and wear hoodies and speak quietly, then in other contexts she wants everyone to stop and listen to what she has to say… it’s a weird combo.


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